Mini tennis

Our main goal is for your child to learn the basic skills and the ideas of tennis as quickly as possible. We want children to experience the rally concept of hitting balls back and forth. We also want this first tennis experience for your child to be FUN! You will notice a variety of games and skill building exercises designed to help accomplish these goals. You as a parent play a very important role with Mini Tennis. We will also provide tips and practice drills you and your child can participate in at home to help their tennis. Of course, we also encourage you to come out to the courts and play and practice with your child.


Players are grouped in the following levels according to age and standard and moved up at varying times.

Mini Red

Mini Tennis Red - Age 4-7

Mini Red
Ratio 1 Coach : 6-8 Players (ratios may vary slightly at certain times)

MTR is played over smaller nets across the width of a tennis court, with very low-pressure MTR balls. There is also the chance to earn your Mini Tennis Stripes through the Red Rally Awards.

Mini Tennis Orange - Age 8-9

Ratio 1 Coach : 6-8 Players (ratios may vary slightly at certain times)

MTO is played over the full tennis net, with low-pressure MTO balls. MTO is restricted to either the service boxes, or 3/4 of the length of the court to allow a steady progression.
mini tennis green

Mini Tennis Green - Age 10-11

mini tennis green
Ratio 1 Coach : 6-8 Players (ratios may vary slightly at certain times)

MTG is played over the full tennis net using mid-pressure MTG balls. Should be able to rally more consistently now and begin power development.

Mini Player / Performer Squads Age 5 to 11

Ratio 1 Coach : 4 Players (ratios may vary slightly at certain times)

These sessions are invitational only, and are provided to fast-track talented players, with a view to entering our Performance Programme, and eventually representing the County LTA. Talent ID is undertaken on a regular basis, both within our Mini Tennis Programme and local Schools.

Contact Gary / 07836 273 271